Over the course of the year, United Charter High Schools is focusing on four in-person, all-day sessions across our schools. During the kickoff event in August, Dr. Palmore announced the purpose of these Learning Walks is to establish UCHS as a learning organization. Our focus during each visit is to examine teaching and learning through the lens of critical thinking. Our goal is to take a deep dive into our work and answer the question: Do United Charter High Schools develop critical thinkers?
The first Learning Walk was held on September 26 at AMS IV. Principals from all seven UCHS schools joined Central Office staff to discuss critical thinking in the classroom. Our second Learning Walk took place at AMS II on November 14. The larger group was separated into different teams to go into classrooms and look at the approach currently used to help our students develop critical thinking. We visited math, science, social studies, and ELA classes.
The following Learning Walk is scheduled for Jan 14 at HUM II.